Meet the Animals

Nigerian Dwarf Goat
Bubba beauford Blue
Bubba came to us very sick. He has been through 2 blood transfusions and a rumen transplant. Bubba is now thriving. his favorite activities include getting into everything, eating all that he can find, and escaping through the gates to follow his human friends all over the farm.

Myotonic Goat
Toby came to us as a baby. He suffered anoxic brain injury during birth. He is a very special little man and we love him so very much. Toby is a fainting goat and will faint at any loud noise. Toby's favorite activities are fainting at any noise, getting stuck in corners and eating bananas. To learn more about myotonic goats, click here.

Broad Breasted White Turkey
Shirley was purchased to be Thanksgiving dinner. The individuals that purchased her fell in love with her and decided that they could no longer eat turkey and brought her to our sanctuary to live out her amazing life here. In the US, approximately 46 million turkeys are killed each year at Thanksgiving time ALONE! Shirley loves to cuddle and will sit in your lap any chance she gets!

Nigerian Dwarf Goat/Pygmy cross
Sid was not fitting in with his family. Sid was mean and aggressive and was not a good fit for his family. We took in Sid and he has found his forever herd with the goats here. He loves everyone. In his spare time, he enjoys walking back and forth on the bridge, rolling in the hay and giving kisses.

Micro Holstein cow
Itty Bitty (Bits)
Bitty was purchased at an auction and the family that purchased her did not realize the work that went into having a cow. They reached out to us to see if we would take her in. If we didn't, she would be slaughtered. Bitty and Agnes are best friends and can be found hanging out in the pasture together and sharing meals. Agnes likes to drool her food all over Bitty's back.

Belgian Draft Mare
Agnes spent her life as an Amish work horse. She is around 30 years old. Agnes came to Whispering Acres to retire. She was being sent to slaughter and was pulled from an auction. Agnes is a big big girl. She is a little shy buy will warm up to you for a snack and some nuzzles. She can always be found hanging out with Bitty

Golden Guernsey Goat
Pippin had a wonderful life with an amazing family. his goat brother passed away and due to health reasons, the family chose to place Pippin with us to live out his life with our herd. Pippin loves to go for long walks around the pond, eat everything in sight, take naps in the sun and cuddle his human friends.

Nigerian Dwarf Goat
Tonkita had a traumatic birth. She was born with joint ill also known as septic arthritis. Tonkitas growth is permanently stunted. She will always be a small little girl with special needs. She loves to snuggle and eat her applesauce. Tonkita loves a nice warm lap and naps in the sunshine.

LaMancha Goat
Billy Ray
Billy Ray was purchased from a kill pen at an auction. Billy Ray came to the sanctuary to live out an amazing life. Billy Ray is pure trouble. He is always getting in to things and creating havoc all over the farm. He is Mr. Personality and we love him so very much. A distinct trait of LaMancha goats is they have little ears.. Learn more about LaManchas here

LaMancha Goat
Henry the Hoodlum
Henry is another one that is pure trouble. Henry was one of the first goats that came to Whispering Acres. Henry was going to be auctioned off at the fair and his future would have been unknown. I went to the fair with no intention of coming home with a goat. But here we are 2 years later. Henry is why we cannot have nice things. he is always up to no good. Learn more about LaMancha Goats here.

Nubian Goat
A family purchased Linus at the fair to have a goat for dairy purposes. Turns out that Linus is a boy and that was simply not going to happen. They did not want to keep him at that point and Linus came to live here with us. Linus so a spunky boy that loves to run and play all day long. He loves his snacks and loves to cuddle. Learn more about Nubians here.

Nigerian Goat
Hiccup came to us after he was being a bully to the rest of the herd where he was living. He was beating everyone up. He came here and has been accepted into our herd and he loves everyone. He will sell his soul for animal crackers. he wants nothing more than cuddles and love.

Alpine/LaMancha goat Cross
Gomer was picked up by our friends at Friendship Animal Protective League. Gomer was running wild for more than 2 weeks before they were able to catch him. he was found on Pyle road so he got the name Gomer. He is a sweet boy with a lot of love to give.

Nigerian Goat
Francis was found living in a garage. She was very sick when she came to us. She had severely overgrown hooves and was suffering from severe malnutrition. Francis has recovered and is living an amazing life. She loves to snuggle and be the center of attention. Her and Andrew are the best of friends.

Hair Sheep
Chance and Abby
We received a call from Barn Sanctuary about 2 sheep that were running around a field in Michigan. They were in very bad shape when we picked them up. They were both suffering from malnutrition and infested with internal and external parasites. We drove up to Michigan and picked these babies up and brought them back to the sanctuary to live out their life.

Pygmy Goat
Nora was living with a wonderful woman that ended up with severe health concerns. She was taken in for medical care and officer Norris from the Medina County Sheriff department helped out and Norris came to live here. We named her after the officer that assisted. Nora loves to cuddle and help with farm chores every day.

Nubian Goats
Harold and Phil
Harold and Phil were rescued from a petting zoo. These brothers are inseparable and love to run around the sanctuary and have fun with all of their new friends. We loaded them in the truck and brought them here to enjoy a peaceful life with lots of food and care.

Kiko Goats
Clarence, Percy and Gilbert
These brothers had an awful life prior to coming here. These boys came from Shermans Dale, PA after being found after their owner passed away. They came from a severe hoarding situation. We got them here with the help of Huckleberry Trails Animal Sanctuary. To read more about their story click here.

Potbelly Pig
Podunk was the worst case of neglect that we have ever seen

Potbelly Pig
Uncle Albert
A family purchased Linus at the fair to have a goat for dairy purposes. Turns out that Linus is a boy and that was simply not going to happen. They did not want to keep him at that point and Linus came to live here with us. Linus so a spunky boy that loves to run and play all day long. He loves his snacks and loves to cuddle. Learn more about Nubians here.

Nigerian Goat
Hiccup came to us after he was being a bully to the rest of the herd where he was living. He was beating everyone up. He came here and has been accepted into our herd and he loves everyone. He will sell his soul for animal crackers. he wants nothing more than cuddles and love.

Alpine/LaMancha goat Cross
Gomer was picked up by our friends at Friendship Animal Protective League. Gomer was running wild for more than 2 weeks before they were able to catch him. he was found on Pyle road so he got the name Gomer. He is a sweet boy with a lot of love to give.

Nigerian Goat
Francis was found living in a garage. She was very sick when she came to us. She had severely overgrown hooves and was suffering from severe malnutrition. Francis has recovered and is living an amazing life. She loves to snuggle and be the center of attention. Her and Andrew are the best of friends.

Hair Sheep
Chance and Abby
We received a call from Barn Sanctuary about 2 sheep that were running around a field in Michigan. They were in very bad shape when we picked them up. They were both suffering from malnutrition and infested with internal and external parasites. We drove up to Michigan and picked these babies up and brought them back to the sanctuary to live out their life.

Pygmy Goat
Nora was living with a wonderful woman that ended up with severe health concerns. She was taken in for medical care and officer Norris from the Medina County Sheriff department helped out and Norris came to live here. We named her after the officer that assisted. Nora loves to cuddle and help with farm chores every day.

Nubian Goats
Harold and Phil
Harold and Phil were rescued from a petting zoo. These brothers are inseparable and love to run around the sanctuary and have fun with all of their new friends. We loaded them in the truck and brought them here to enjoy a peaceful life with lots of food and care.

Kiko Goats
Clarence, Percy and Gilbert
These brothers had an awful life prior to coming here. These boys came from Shermans Dale, PA after being found after their owner passed away. They came from a severe hoarding situation. We got them here with the help of Huckleberry Trails Animal Sanctuary. To read more about their story click here.