Baa Baa Blind Sheep

Stanley and Walter
Baa Baa Blind sheep.. I love the girl with the crooked smile.
In June 2021, I received a call from Medina SPCA about a sheep that was found on the side of the road. It was a sweltering 90 degree day and Baa was found lying in a ditch on the side of the road. A passerby with a wheelchair van stopped to see if she could help her and they managed to get Baa loaded up and to safety. Once safe, the rescuers got to the task of shaving an extra 40+ pounds of wool from her body. Through the investigation by the SPCA, it was determined that Baa is now 16 years old. Baa could not walk, she could not even stand up and, it was determined that she was blind. She came to us in pretty bad shape, she had sores and abscesses all over her frail body. She was scared and in pain. The vet came out the same day she got her and we got her started on some antibiotics, eye drops, gave her parasite treatments and arranged the proper diet for her. She had a rough couple of months healing but every day, I could tell that she was getting stronger and stronger. She went from barely being able to stand to galloping through the pasture. Her eyesight in her right eye improved significantly with the steroid drops. unfortunately, she will never be able to see out of her left eye due to excessive scaring. Her arthritis medication continues to help her mobility. She also gets Baa-sages every morning and evening where she gets her legs and hips rubbed down. Baa is on an extremely nutritious and well balanced diet, one in which she gets all of her required vitamins and minerals. This sheep has touched my heart and soul like no other animal ever has. She is a true fighting angel. I vow to make the rest of her life, the best of her life. I am honestly not sure who rescued who...
Favorite Foods
Favorite Pastimes
Romaine Lettuce
Corn Chips
Whole Bananas with the skins
Napping in the sun
Getting Baa-sages
Giving kisses
Cost to care for me monthly
Lamb and ewe food $40.00
Eye Drops $50.00
Hay $20.00
Arthritis medication $100.00
Veterinary costs $300.00
Fresh Fruit and
Vegetables $100.00
You can Sponsor
Stanley and Walter​
Animal Sponsorships are an affordable way to help us cover the costs for each rescued animal’s feed, shelter, and care.
They make great gifts. Give the gift of compassion, one that lasts all year and allows a farm animal in need to live his or her life in peace and comfort.
You or your chosen recipient will receive a certificate with your (or your gift recipient’s) name on it, a beautiful photo, and the story of your sponsored animal. And, for all those that commit to a yearly sponsorship, you will receive an invite to a summer BBQ with other "adoptive patents" to spend the afternoon at the sanctuary with your sponsored animal and their friends.
Animal sponsorships are an affordable way to support the well-being of our animals every month by helping us cover the costs of our animals' food, shelter, and daily care.
Animal sponsorships also make great gifts! Give the gift of compassion to a loved one while helping a rescued farm animal live the rest of their life in peace and happiness.
To sponsor Baa, please click one of the links below.