Baa Baa Blind Sheep

Mama and Babies
This has to be one of the saddest cases that we have had to date. There was a post online that said the owner needed to get rid of 3 goats TODAY or she was taking them to the butcher. So, in the VW bus we go and drive 2 hours to go pick them up. My daughter and I got there and the conditions were some of the most deplorable that I have ever seen. Mama goat was still nursing her 2 kids, there was no food and no water. When we took mama out, she was so starved that she was pulling grass up by the roots to eat. The owner had them for over a month she said and gave me a bag of food that she bought them to take home. The 50 pound bag of food contained 47 pounds of food.
After we got them safely into the car, we stopped and picked them some fresh leaves from someone's tree and got her some cheerios at the gas station. She was so happy to have snacks and gobbled them down. The vet came out the next day to check her out and she was, as we guess it, severely malnourished and close to death. We have been on a steady refeeding program with her and the babies. She has multiple vitamin and mineral deficiencies. The babies however are doing fantastic despite what they have been through. We are working daily with socialization so that the babies can start to trust us. Mama has become our best friend and is super loving. However, she is very food motivated and food aggressive towards all of the other animals. Once she realizes that she will have a constant supply of food, she will get over this behavior. it may take time, but she has the rest of her life to learn that she is safe and will never go hungry again.
Favorite Foods
Favorite Pastimes
Romaine Lettuce
Corn Chips
Whole Bananas with the skins
Anything and EVERYTHING
Napping in the warm sun
Getting pet
Eating their snacks
Cost to care for us monthly
Specialized goat feed $150.00
Vitamins and Minerals $50.00
Hay $50.00
Supplements $100.00
Veterinary costs $300.00
Fresh Fruit and
Vegetables $200.00
You can Sponsor
Mama and babies
Animal Sponsorships are an affordable way to help us cover the costs for each rescued animal’s feed, shelter, and care.
They make great gifts. Give the gift of compassion, one that lasts all year and allows a farm animal in need to live his or her life in peace and comfort.
You or your chosen recipient will receive a certificate with your (or your gift recipient’s) name on it, a beautiful photo, and the story of your sponsored animal. And, for all those that commit to a yearly sponsorship, you will receive an invite to a summer BBQ with other "adoptive patents" to spend the afternoon at the sanctuary with your sponsored animal and their friends.
Animal sponsorships are an affordable way to support the well-being of our animals every month by helping us cover the costs of our animals' food, shelter, and daily care.
Animal sponsorships also make great gifts! Give the gift of compassion to a loved one while helping a rescued farm animal live the rest of their life in peace and happiness.
To sponsor us, please click one of the links below.