How You Can Help
Welcome to Whispering Acres Farm Animal Sanctuary, where our mission is to provide a safe and loving home for abused and neglected farm animals. We rely on our community to help us achieve our goals, from making donations and attending our fundraising events to volunteering your time at the sanctuary or becoming a foster parent. With your help, we can continue to provide the best possible care for our animals and make a positive difference in the world. Contact us to learn more about how you can get involved today.

Sanctuary Blog
is a Sanctuary?

"Sanctuary is a place, a mission, a way of life, a state of being."

It is a space of refuge and tranquility, where life is sacred and trauma is healed, where humans and other animals are free from harm and live in peace with dignity. In the physical world, as in our hearts, Sanctuary is a safe place where transformation can occur.
Whispering Acres Farm Animal Sanctuary has provided that place of peace for so many rescued farm animals. In turn, these animals are ambassadors, representing the billions more like them currently suffering in an unjust system.
These survivors’ stories — which illustrate their sheer will to live, their sentience, their awe-inspiring resilience, and their unending ability to love and forgive — create deep connections and compassionate understanding in those who open their hearts to them and face the realities of their pain.
While we can’t rescue all the animals, we know that Sanctuary can heal the animals who have been rescued, and fundamentally impact — often with lasting change — the people who hear these messages of hope, healing, compassion, and love.
At Whispering Acres Farm Animal Sanctuary, we meet people where they are on their journey, without judgment, and model a new way to live with farm animals without exploitation of them, our shared planet, or the workers and communities impacted.
By meeting cruelty with kindness, and treating all beings with respect, we can all demonstrate the Power of Sanctuary.
Whispering Acres Farm Animal Sanctuary is a 501 C3 Charitable organization Federal EIN 87-093280

Contributions and Donations
Whispering Acres Farm Animal Sanctuary is a nonprofit organization that relies on your contributions to provide a loving home for our animals. As a 501(C)3 public charity, we are committed to promoting the welfare of animals and providing them with the best care possible. All donations are tax-deductible to the limits allowed by the IRS for charities. Your contribution will help us continue our mission and make a real difference in the lives of our animals.
Whispering Acres operates solely on private donations from caring souls like you.
We receive no state or federal funding.
We are happy to apply your donation toward a specific project, special interest, certain animal, or type of sponsorship, at your request.
Checks or money orders can be mailed to:
Whispering Acres Farm Animal Sanctuary
7496 Norwalk Rd.
Medina, Ohio 44256
Click here for additional ways to donate ​
Venmo: @Whispering-acres
Cashapp: $whisperingacresfas
Paypal: Whisperingacressanctuary@gmail.com